The Client

Sealskin-Hupspotcover2-1 is a premier provider of custom fit vehicle covers. Their business model is unique because they work directly with the manufacturer on the design and development of covers. They own the entire supply chain allowing them to guarantee high quality covers at competitive prices.

Services Provided:

  • Google and Bing Paid Search and
  • Retargeting Camapign Management
  • Google Shopping Campaign Management
  • Facebook, Instagram and TikTok Campaign Management
  • Landing Page Design and Conversion Optimization
  • Influencer Marketing
  • SEO, Content and Email Management
  • Amazon Campaign Management


Having had limited results with large agencies, we have been completely blown away with what SevenAtoms has done for us. Over 7+ years, they have continued to help us grow rapidly and at a profitable level. They are a trusted partner and a true extension of our team.

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The Challenge

The Challenge

Seal Skin Covers was frustrated with their previous PPC agency because they had not been able to grow as aggressively as they had hoped. The cost per acquisition of several of their campaigns was too high, and they were losing money on some of their most popular products. In addition, the agency was only focusing on paid search and retargeting channels while ignoring potentially lucrative channels like Google Shopping and Facebook, and they were limited in the scope of services they offered – for example, they did not focus on the post ad click user experience.

There were two other critical issues that Seal Skin Covers was facing. First, Google had recently started to disapprove their ads because of trademark violations. This was a big problem because, as a reseller of auto accessories, they were relying a lot on auto manufacturer specific keywords and ads. Second, their website was not mobile friendly. As a result, they had poor order volume from mobile devices – which at the time was driving 40% of overall traffic and increasing rapidly each month.

The Solution

The Solutions

Once we had a good understanding of Seal Skin Covers’ target audience, goals and pain points, we developed a six step plan to address immediate issues, scale the campaigns and drive long-term sustained growth:

Address Trademark Violations in Ad copy

The first order of business was to address the ad trademark violations. We discovered that the main issue was with the landing pages, which were generic and did not have any auto manufacturer related information for the make-specific ads. As a Premier Google Partner, we were able to work closely with Google account strategists to get all of the trademark violations resolved quickly.

Address Trademark Violations In Ad

Improve Landing Page Experience and Restructure Account

The website was not converting at an optimal level and we found that one of the main reasons was that the landing page experience was not very good. Also, existing ad groups had dozens of keywords in them and the account did not have any niche or long tail keywords. We addressed these issues by first restructuring Seal Skin Covers’ account using the Single Keyword Ad Group (SKAG) model. By having only 1 keyword in an ad group, we were able to create highly customized ad copy for all ad groups. We created new landing pages customized to the ad copy and keyword – which included make and/or model. We made the landing page dynamic so that its content could change based on the make, model or keyword being targeted. We also made the landing page simpler and more user friendly.

Landing Page optimization

Develop Mobile-Friendly Site

Next we built a mobile-friendly, responsive website as the previous site had very poor conversion rates on mobile devices. We expected 50% of the traffic to come from mobile devices in the near future, so this was an essential step.

Mobile Friendly Website

Launch Google Shopping Campaigns

We have always had excellent results from Google shopping campaigns so this was a big priority for us. However, because of the way Seal Skin Covers had setup their products, it proved challenging to generate a complete shopping feed of some 23,000 individual products. However after some effort, we were able to generate a keyword optimized data feed and automate the process on a monthly basis.

Ecom Screen

Launch Bing and Facebook Campaigns

To further scale up our efforts, we set up and launched campaigns on Bing and Facebook. Bing was quicker to set up since we had already optimized their AdWords campaign at that point and, as a result, were able to import those campaigns, then make Bing specific adjustments. With Facebook, we knew that we had to set up highly targeted audiences in order to be successful. We narrowed in on three types of audiences – Retargeting, Purchase Behaviour and Lookalike. With the first two, we went very granular in our approach and created ads for all makes and certain popular models since we knew which makes or models users were interested in or owned.

Facebook Campaigns

Implement Inbound Marketing

The final piece of the puzzle was implementing inbound marketing and email marketing. First, we needed a central platform from which we could manage and track all activities. We chose HubSpot because it had tools for everything we wanted to do in one place. We integrated HubSpot with their Magento e-commerce platform and started running several email campaigns including nurture campaigns, promotional campaigns, holiday emails and abandoned cart emails. We wrote interesting blog posts, optimized content for SEO, wrote insightful ebooks for those not ready to buy just yet and started posting regular content on their social media channels.

Inbound Marketing Email
The Results

The Results

Performance improved across the board almost immediately. Each level in our 6 step plan boosted growth significantly and built on top of each other. We finally had a multi faceted, fully weaponized digital marketing campaign to go after prospects through all channels possible – paid, social, organic, content and email.

There was dramatic improvement in every facet of SealSkinCovers’ business including:

    • $16 Million in new revenue
    • 1,079% improvement in orders for car covers
    • Cost per order lowered by 21.57%, depsite a 20% increase in the cost per click due to increased competition
    • Conversion rate improvement of 52.4%
    • Search ad click through rate improvement of 79.95%
    • Shopping, Facebook and Bing campaigns added around 50% more orders at a 25% lower overall cost per acquisition
    • Inbound and email campaigns grew order volume by another 20%

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Red River
Top Echelon

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