Trusted By

Red River
Client Provigil II
Bloom Energy
Top Echelon
Enhance Visibility and User Interaction - Content Marketing Services

Blog posts and landing pages drive engagement with high-intent keywords, enhancing visibility and user interaction.

Gated and Downloadable Content - Content Marketing Services

Compelling gated & downloadable content like ebooks and white papers educate prospects and serve as lead magnets

Optimization and Creative Strategies - Content Marketing Services

Ongoing optimization and creative outside-the-box strategies ensure continuous improvement for sustained success.

A Content Marketing Agency in Perfect Alignment With Your Goals

Great content is what fuels your inbound campaigns. It drives traffic to your website, educates prospective customers, and ultimately convinces them to buy. Today’s prospects expect more from your content, however, they expect it to be informational, well written, comprehensive, and entertaining. You need a content marketing agency that understands this.

Why are our content marketing services different from our competitors? Let us count the ways:

First, we’re not a content mill. We create content that is highly targeted, and aligns perfectly with your marketing goals. Second, we don’t believe in content for content’s sake. Every piece of content we create has a purpose and fits coherently into your broader content strategy. And Finally, we know you don’t have a lot of time for hand holding. We take on the bulk of the content creation process so that you can focus on growing your business.

If you are struggling to produce quality content, or the content you are producing is not getting results, it’s time to talk to our content marketing agency.

Content Strategy

Content Strategy -  Content Marketing Agency

We don’t fly blind. Strategic research lets us understand your business, your industry, and your customer base.

  • Existing Content Audit
  • Understanding Buyer's Journey
  • Competitor Content Analysis
  • Identify Content Gaps
  • Strategic Content Marketing Plan
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Content Calendar
  • Content Alignment With Goals

Content Creation

Content Creation - Content Marketing Agency

We believe good content is informative, educational, engaging to read, and designed to rank in SERPs and SGE.

  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Competitiveness
  • Identify Topics
  • Create Content Briefs
  • Write Compelling, SEO-Driven Content Plan
  • Blog Posts
  • Website Pages
  • Ebooks/Whitepapers
  • Publish Content

Content Marketing

Content Marketing - Content Marketing Services

We market content across channels, track performance, and make adjustments to maximize SEO.

  • Organic Social
  • Paid Social
  • SEO
  • Paid Search
  • Email
  • Content Outreach
  • Landing Pages
  • Analytics
  • Dashboards

Blogging Services

Your blog is one of the best tools you have for attracting visitors to your website and engaging with them. Our blogging services will ensure that your blog is updated constantly with fresh, unique and inspiring content.

We can help with all aspects of producing blog content including developing a sound strategy with buyer personas, creating a content calendar, identifying compelling topics, writing blog posts, optimizing content for SEO, adding images and other design elements, adding call-to-actions, and publishing.

We create blog content that is optimized for human readers as well as search engines. We also promote blogs in all of your social media channels.

Blogging Services

Ebooks, Whitepapers and Guides

Downloadable content such as ebooks, whitepapers and guides are a great way to convert site visitors into leads, but you have to make sure that they provide value to the reader. Great content will educate and delight your prospects. Poor content will turn potential customers away from your brand.

We create well-researched ebooks that compel the reader to take that next step. We identify topics, handle the preliminary research, write the content, provide images, handle the layout and build landing pages to generate leads. We also promote your ebooks through social media, email and paid channels.

Ebooks Whitepapers and Guides

Case Studies​

Have a success story to tell? Case studies are a great way for your business to show-off, helping you turn leads into customers. Because a case study can make or break a sale, it’s important to get them right.

We work with you to understand the problems faced by your customers, and how your products and services have solved those problems. We then develop compelling stories around this.

We can create case study templates, perform client interviews, handle content creation, and take care of the layout process. We can also promote your case studies through email, and paid channels.

Case Studies Agency

SEO Content Writing

You may have the best website and content in the world, but if it doesn’t show up on search engine results pages, then it isn’t going to be effective.

We write website content and blogs that align seamlessly with your SEO strategy and help visitors find you through search engines. And we don’t sacrifice readability in order to achieve this.

We have a deep understanding of how Google and other search engines work and SEO elements are built into our content writing processes from the start.

SEO Content Writing Agency

Press Releases

If you have any news or event you want to publicize, then we can help craft an exciting press release around that and distribute it for maximum reach.

Today’s press releases follow a different set of rules. The content needs to be written with digital publications in mind, but also needs to be compelling enough for your target prospects.

Our content marketing services extend to press releases and include content creation services and distribution. We can make sure that your press releases are optimized for search engines, maximizing their reach.

Press Releases Service Agency

Our Clients Love The Results


Tim Matthews, 



“SevenAtoms has helped us get excellent ROI from our paid campaigns. Their understanding of B2B SaaS and Cyber Security has really shown up in the engaging content and landing pages they have developed for us. They continue to crush it across all our campaigns!”

How Our Content Marketing Service Works

Content Marketing Agency - Initial Content Research

Initial Content Research

We begin by performing a content audit of your website in order to evaluate your current content and see where there are gaps that need to be filled. At the same time, we perform keyword research to determine where you currently rank for major keywords on search engines and identify new keywords that you should be targeting. We also look at your competitor’s content to analyze what they have been successful with and how they rank for the same keywords.

Content Marketing Agency - Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

After we have gathered all of the necessary information we come up with a content marketing strategy that details our observations, recommendations, and game plan for success. We identify specific buyer personas so that each piece of content can connect better with your target audience. We develop a content calendar that identifies possible topics and a publishing schedule. Our strategy breaks down what needs to be done for all of your content channels and how the individual elements of the strategy will work together to help guide prospects through the sales funnel.

Content Marketing Agency - Content Creation

Content Creation Services

For each piece of content we create, we first research the topic in depth. We develop a content brief that details what the topic will be about, who is being targeted with the content, where they are in the buyer’s journey, and other key details. We review the content brief with you and finalize it. Our writers then produce content according to the brief. Once the content is done, we review it to make sure it aligns with our content strategy and edit it for spelling, grammar and SEO. You get the final say on the content and if revisions are needed then we are more than happy to provide them.

Content Marketing Agency - Publishing and Promotion

Publishing and Promotion

Once content is approved, we will publish it for you. Blog articles are published on your blog page, while long form content such as ebooks are published in PDF format using professionally designed templates. We then promote your content organically and through paid campaigns in order to maximize the visibility of the content. This can be through search, social media, PPC, display ads/remarketing, and Call-to-Actions on your website. Long form content is typically gated via a landing page and form for generating leads.

Content Marketing Agency - Analytics


A great piece of content is always working to bring you more leads, and so are we. After publication we monitor your content in order to determine what works, what doesn’t, and how we should alter our content strategy to yield better results. Each month you will receive a report from us that breaks down the results of our content efforts. This report provides not only the raw data, but our analysis and suggested “next steps” as well.

Content Marketing Services FAQ

What does a content marketing agency do?

A content marketing agency like SevenAtoms focuses on helping businesses like yours generate excellent content tailored for each step of the buyer’s journey, aiming to attract the best leads. For instance, the content marketing agency could create high quality, thought-leadership blogs and ebooks, ensure your product and services pages are up to date and engaging, or both. Content marketing agencies create content to fuel inbound campaigns, enhance visibility, and convert prospects into sales-ready leads by using strategies like blog posts, landing pages, and gated content like ebooks and white papers.

What is a content audit?

A content audit involves evaluating your current website content to identify gaps and areas for improvement. This includes examining existing pages that could be not sufficiently tailored to SEO best practices, or finding keywords that would suit your brand perfectly that you aren’t yet targeting. A content marketing agency like SevenAtoms will typically perform a content audit upon starting services to assess how your content stands compared to industry standards and competitors, understand the buyer's journey, analyze existing content, and strategize for filling content gaps.

How do I find the best content marketing agency?

To find the best content marketing agency, look for one that aligns with your marketing goals. Find a provider of content marketing services that has proven success with brands like yours, working in your industry. The agency should not be a content mill but instead create targeted, purposeful content. They should handle the content creation process efficiently, with little to no input needed from you, and have a record of success helping companies like yours.

What is included in your content marketing services?

SevenAtoms’ content marketing services include content strategy and creation such as blogs, website pages optimized for SEO, and downloadable ebooks and whitepapers to help capture lead data. We also cover content marketing across various channels and media, like social media posts and short video, content outreach, and analytics. Our services are comprehensive, covering every step from initial content research to publishing, promotion, and performance monitoring.

Why do I choose to work with SevenAtoms over other content marketing agencies?

You should choose SevenAtoms as your content marketing agency for a number of reasons. Obviously, we provide highly targeted, well-researched, and purposeful content creation and marketing services. We focus on content quality and ensure alignment with your marketing goals, and our content creation services require little or no input from you or your team. We have a proven track record of delivering results, as evidenced by our numerous satisfied clients and high client retention rates.

Who are some of the clients that have used you for content marketing services?

Clients that have utilized SevenAtoms for content marketing services include Bloom Energy, SealSkin Covers, Red River, Pro-Vigil, G-Biosciences, and many more. These clients, across multiple diverse fields, trust SevenAtoms for our comprehensive and effective content marketing strategies and production, which is always tailored to meet their unique business needs and goals.

How much do you charge for your content marketing services?

We charge a fixed monthly fee. The first month's fee is slightly higher as we undertake several activities to set up the account.

How can I get started with your content marketing services?

It’s simple: Contact us! We’ll provide you with a free complimentary audit and consultation, go over what we’ve learned about your brand’s online presence and where it can benefit from our content marketing expertise. If our proposals sound good, we’ll onboard you and get started creating excellent content for your brand.

Harness The Full Power Of A Content Marketing Agency