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Conversion Optimized landing pages

Beautiful, conversion-optimized landing pages customized to your brand

Compelling headlines, rich copy and an enticing CTA, to maximize leads and sales

Compelling headlines, rich copy and an enticing CTA, to maximize leads and sales

A-B Testing Landing Pages

Relentless A/B testing and data-driven optimization to ensure continuous growth

Landing Page Design and Conversion Rate Optimization

Well designed landing pages are critical to any inbound or paid marketing campaign. Whether they are designed for generating leads or selling products, optimizing them for conversions can be tricky. When someone arrives on one of your landing pages, you only have a few seconds to convince them to convert. Your page’s content, design, form and call-to-action all play an important role in whether or not the visitor decides to engage with you.

At SevenAtoms, we always make landing pages a huge priority and ensure that they maximize your conversion rates. We incorporate proven conversion optimization strategies into the landing pages we create, then constantly obsess over them with A/B testing to keep pushing their performance levels. We always align your offers and landing pages to your business goals to maximize results.

Landing Page

Landing Page Design

Storyboarding a landing page involves creating compelling copy, engaging visuals, and a strong call-to-action.

  • Beautiful Custom Design
  • No Templates
  • Extension of the Brand
  • Creative Images
  • Optimized Videos
  • Maximize Social Proof
  • Creative Copywriting
  • Copy Showcasing Features And Benefits
  • Compelling CTA

Landing Page Production

Landing Page Production

Landing pages require integration with analytics, conversion tracking, attribution models, and more for effective optimization.

  • Dynamic Headlines Customized to Search
  • Dynamic Headlines Customized to Search Location
  • Dynamic Headlines With Copy Customized to Audiences
  • Multi-device Customization
  • Heat Map Integration
  • Integrated with MailChimp, HubSpot, etc.
  • Integrated with CRM
  • Custom Integration With Web Hooks
  • Attribution tracking for Campaign Ads
  • Attribution Tracking for Keywords
  • Attribution Tracking for Device
  • Conversion and Analytics Tracking
  • Auto Retrieval of Geo-data
  • Fast Loading

Landing Page Optimization

Landing Page Optimization

Continuously A/B testing various elements and refining landing pages is crucial for maximizing leads and sales.

  • A/B Testing Headlines
  • A/B Testing CTA
  • A/B Testing Images
  • A/B Testing Copy
  • A/B Testing Form
  • Heat Map Analysis
  • Analytics Reporting
  • Data-driven Optimization
  • Device Optimization
  • Optimizing Thank You Page
  • Redesign Elements

How Our Landing Page and Conversion Rate Optimization Works

Landing Page & Conversion Rate Optimization - Strategy and Creation

Landing Page Strategy and Creation

Designing and formatting the many elements of a successful landing page can be complex. SevenAtoms has years of landing page optimization experience from working with a variety of different clients and offers. Our designers are experts in producing landing pages that generate quality leads and customers and will incorporate proven conversion-driving elements into your page.

Landing Page & Conversion Rate Optimization - Platform Expertise

Platform Expertise

There are a variety of platforms businesses can use for landing page design, and we have expertise in almost all of them. Whether through Unbounce, HubSpot, Marketo, WordPress, or another platform, we can help you create a landing page optimized for audience engagement and conversion.

Landing page Conversion Optimization

Conversion Optimization

Those conversion-driving elements we mentioned above? They include social proof features, dynamic headlines, CTA placement and button optimization, and more. We discovered these best practices through our many landing page optimization projects and can use them to boost conversion rates for your pages.

Landing Page & Conversion Rate Optimization -  A-B Testing

A/B Testing

A/B testing is the key to ensuring your landing pages are consistently engaging your audience and driving results. We regularly A/B test elements of your landing pages—including copy, CTAs, images, button design, and overall format—and optimize them to yield constant improvement in your conversion rates.

Landing Page & Conversion Rate Optimization - CRM Integration

CRM Integration

Many businesses use marketing automation and sales CRM platforms such as HubSpot, Marketo, and Salesforce to organize lead and customer contact information. We can integrate your landing page form with these backend platforms so it instantly captures the information generated, eliminating your time spent manually inputting data.

Harness The Full Power Of CRO and Landing Page Optimization