Paid search and shopping ads

Paid search and shopping ads on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon get you a killer ROI.

high-conversion custom landing pages

Drive conversions with custom landing pages, beautiful creatives, SEO, and PPC optimization.

Elevate customer retention and LTV through email campaigns

Elevate customer retention and LTV through email campaigns, automation, and influencer marketing.

Ecommerce Marketing Agency That Unleashes Your Full Potential

Setting up an ecommerce store is not difficult. But reaching customers and maximizing product sales? That’s a bit trickier. In order to keep up with countless competitors online, ecommerce stores need to get creative with their marketing strategies and execute at a rapid pace. That’s where we come in.

At SevenAtoms, we have perfected our ecommerce marketing agency offerings over the last 8 years, and we’ve helped some fantastic clients achieve remarkable success. Many clients come to us after being neglected by other agencies, or seeing their profits and return on investment shrink over time. We work closely to plan and execute our clients’ ecommerce marketing campaigns, letting them focus on their own business while we do what we do best – helping them scale to new heights.

We offer a full suite of ecommerce marketing services including PPC management, Google Shopping, Facebook ads, ecommerce SEO, content creation, ecommerce landing pages, and email marketing. We have been recognized by Google as a Premier Partner, an honor only a handful of ecommerce marketing agencies have received. We’ll work with you across your entire sales funnel using cutting-edge strategies for organic channels (SEO, content, email) and paid channels (Google, Bing, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram and others). We’ll combine our efforts with conversion-optimized landing pages and A/B testing of all creatives, copy, and targeting to ensure that all campaigns are performing at peak potential.

It’s time to say “goodbye” to dwindling sales figures and “hello” to brilliant new levels of success. Get in touch with us today to see how our ecommerce marketing agency can help skyrocket your growth.

Paid Ad Campaigns

Paid Ad Campaigns
  • Account Audit Google Ads
  • Account Audit FB and Instagram Ads
  • Account Audit Amazon Ads
  • Research: Competitor & CRM
  • Google Ads Campaign Strategy
  • Facebook Ads Campaign Strategy
  • Instagram Ads Campaign Strategy
  • Identify Types of Campaigns
  • Keyword and Bid Strategy
  • Location Targeting
  • Audiences Types
  • Tracking
  • Sync With CRM
  • Ad Creatives
  • Videos
  • Creatives
  • Landing Page Design
  • Monitoring
  • A/B Testing
  • Reporting
  • Optimization

Landing Page Design

Landing Page Design
  • No Cookie Cutter Approach
  • Custom Landing Page Design
  • Tracking
  • Integrated With Shopify, CRM etc
  • Multi-Device Customization
  • Fast Loading
  • Integrated With Heat Maps
  • Integrated With Analytics
  • Custom Graphics
  • Compelling Copy
  • Optimized CTA
  • Social Proof
  • Dynamic Text
  • A/B Testing Headline/Copy
  • A/B Test Images
  • A/B Test CTA
  • Reporting
  • Optimization

SEO And Content

SEO And Content
  • Website Content Audit
  • Competitor Sites Audit
  • Technical Audit
  • Content/SEO Plan
  • Keyword Research
  • Identify Keyword Gaps
  • On Page and Off Page SEO
  • Technical Optimization
  • Content: Blogs, Guides, Emails
  • Website Content Edits
  • Product Page Edits
  • Product Description Edits
  • Link Building
  • User Generated Content
  • Social Media Updates
  • Content Outreach
  • Monitoring Performance
  • Reporting
  • Optimization

Ecommerce PPC Management

Ecommerce PPC campaigns have the potential to be incredibly profitable. However, in an ever-changing and highly competitive landscape, this can be difficult to achieve. As a veteran ecommerce marketing agency, you can rest assured that we will get you the best ROI possible with sustained levels of performance over time.

We use ground-breaking strategies to ensure that every dollar used for PPC is a dollar well spent. Our specialized skills and experience span across multiple platforms, including Google Ads, Amazon Ads, Bing, Yahoo/Gemini, AdRoll, and more. We create highly engaging ad copy and creatives, and build optimized landing pages designed to guide consumers through the conversion process.

Whether it’s maximizing your profits or building your brand within a target audience, our goal is to drive your success through our proven ecommerce marketing services.

Ecommerce Marketing Agency - Ecommerce PPC Management

Google Shopping Management

Shopping campaigns (or product listing ads) provide a major sales opportunity for ecommerce sites. However, many businesses either can’t see a positive return on their ad spend or see early success, but are not able to scale their campaigns and grow.

Our ecommerce agency can help you achieve your goals by developing and executing a campaign strategy that is optimized to boost sales while driving down your cost per conversion. We take over full management of your shopping ads, which includes generating your product feed, optimizing product titles and descriptions, creating images that grab attention, and coming up with unique campaign structures that maximize your results and increase sales volume.

Ecommerce Marketing Agency - Google Shopping Management

Facebook Ads for Ecommerce

With so much competition for Facebook and Instagram ads these days, it can be more challenging than ever to stand out and find success.

When you work with our ecommerce marketing agency, we’ll use our extensive experience to identify your ideal target audience as well as lookalike audiences that will help you find new customers. We’ll share your story with these precisely targeted customers through different ad formats, engaging design, and copy that’s smart and fun. We’ll also set up remarketing campaigns aimed at people who have engaged with your brand before, even added items to their shopping cart, but ultimately did not purchase.

A big part of our success is creating high-conversion landing pages carefully designed to nurture shoppers into customers and even brand advocates.

Ecommerce Marketing Agency - Facebook Ads for Ecommerce

Ecommerce SEO

For an ecommerce company, SEO is probably the most sustainable online marketing path to increased sales and long-term profitability. But with so much competition, squeezing yourself onto that first page on Google may seem impossible. Our ecommerce marketing agency can help you rise above your competitors with advanced ecommerce search engine optimization (SEO) services.

Our on-page and off-page SEO services are based on leading strategies and techniques designed — and proven — to maximize your success. Our team ensures that your website’s infrastructure is solid so that all organic optimization efforts will be as effective as possible.

Content is what really moves the SEO needle, which is why our ecommerce SEO services prioritize developing keyword-optimized product pages and informational site content. We combine this with outreach campaigns to create backlinks from high quality websites — one of the most important ranking factors that Google uses.

Ecommerce Marketing Agency - Ecommerce SEO Services

Content Creation for Ecommerce

Ask any marketer and they’ll tell you: Content is king. It’s not just a buzz-phrase; excellent content helps boost your SEO, positions you as an expert in your field, convinces shoppers why they should purchase from you, and engages casual visitors with your brand, priming them to become customers down the line.

Our ecommerce marketing services include optimizing the content on your site from top to bottom. We’ll create and update product pages using target keywords and convincing copy to help drive organic search traffic from potential customers. We’ll also identify the best topics and use them to create high-quality blog and other long-form content. Through all of this, we will build your brand’s reputation, increase its audience, and turn readers into customers. Our experience with content creation for ecommerce makes us uniquely poised to help you excel.

Ecommerce Marketing Agency - Content Creation for Ecommerce

Ecommerce Landing Pages

In many cases, directing shoppers to your product, category or home page is not the best option. This is especially true with visitors who aren’t familiar with your brand, or who aren’t specifically looking for products you offer — for instance, visitors coming from Facebook or Instagram ads.

Our eCommerce marketing agency will build high-quality landing pages for your eCommerce store that engage and excite visitors. We will highlight the most important benefits of your product and build trust through social proof.

We have experience and proven success building landing pages that meld beautiful design, clear copy, trustworthy testimonials and precise calls-to-action to create a compelling user experience. We continuously A/B test all elements for optimal performance, resulting in an ecommerce landing page that has a high chance of helping you make the sale.

Ecommerce Marketing Agency - Ecommerce Landing Pages

Ecommerce Videos

A picture is worth a thousand words, so how many words is a video worth? Our ecommerce experts will help you build your brand with beautiful, compelling videos — testimonials, unboxing videos, videos showcasing your products in action, and other user-generated content (UGC) — that present your offerings in a whole new light.

Our ecommerce videos are perfect for paid advertising, landing pages, social media, or your website. They show real people using and enjoying your products, providing social proof and authentic perspectives. We work with the best creators and influencers to ensure all the videos we produce are high quality and foster a strong connection with your brand.

Ecommerce Video Marketing Agency

Ecommerce Email Marketing

From holiday email blasts to automated nurture sequences, ecommerce email marketing is an incredibly lucrative tool that can help you turn prospects into customers and turn customers into repeat shoppers and loyal brand advocates. Our ecommerce marketing services start with an email opt-in — for example, through a compelling popup offering a discount in exchange for an email address, and from there we help you reach out to your audience with smartly planned and skillfully executed email marketing.

Our ecommerce marketing agency will start by crafting the perfect automated welcome email sequence sent to new visitors to build up your reputation and trust. We’ll create abandoned cart emails sent to visitors with items in their cart who never ordered; special promotional sales or holiday email blasts; newsletters with useful and interesting content from your blog, and much more. We’ll ensure that our ecommerce marketing services are helping you convert new customers and reconnect with old ones, turning a one-time purchase into repeat business.

Ecommerce Marketing Agency - Ecommerce Email Marketing

Our Clients Love The Results

Sealskin Warren

Warren Jobs, 

Seal Skin Covers

$16 Million Increase in Sales From Ecommerce Marketing Services

“Having had limited results with large ecommerce marketing agencies, we have been completely blown away with what SevenAtoms has done for us. Over 7+ years, they have continued to help us grow rapidly and at a profitable level. They are a trusted partner and a true extension of our team.”

Ecommerce Marketing Agency FAQs

What is ecommerce marketing?

Ecommerce marketing is an umbrella term referring to the multiple strategies and channels to promote a business that sells products online (that is, ecommerce). Ecommerce marketing can include tactics like paid advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO-driven content marketing to attract and convert online shoppers.

What services are offered by your ecommerce marketing agency?

As a veteran ecommerce marketing agency, SevenAtoms offers a comprehensive range of ecommerce marketing services designed to help businesses like yours attract clients and boost sales. Our ecommerce marketing services encompass paid advertising on platforms such as Google, Bing, Amazon, Instagram, and Facebook, as well as social media marketing, email marketing, SEO-driven content creation, analytics and reporting, conversion rate optimization, landing page design, and more. All these strategies are fueled by data and analytics to meticulously track and optimize performance.

When is the right time to hire an ecommerce marketing agency?

If you have a great product (or line of products) with a small customer base but need help scaling, it’s probably time to hire an ecommerce marketing agency. Other signs that you’re ready to work with an ecommerce agency like ours can include slowing sales, a struggle to grow revenue, an overreliance on referral marketing, or a lack of success with your internal marketing or agency. Alternatively, you could simply not have the time to devote to marketing instead of growing your business – and need some experienced help from the pros to offload the time and effort.

What are the top reasons to hire an ecommerce marketing agency vs. an in-house team?

An in-house marketing team knows your brand well, and it can be easier to have communication with them. However, maintaining an in-house marketing team large enough to have all the expertise you need is usually considerably expensive, and it’s difficult to scale up or down as you need.

On the other hand, choosing an ecommerce marketing agency gives you access to a team of experts in various digital marketing areas (search engine marketing on Google or Bing, social media marketing, content marketing and SEO, and more) as well as whatever proprietary tools they might be using. This can save costs compared to hiring individual specialists.

How is SevenAtoms different from other ecommerce marketing agencies?

We avoid one-size-fits-all approaches. We craft customized digital marketing strategies for each client we onboard, prioritizing long-term, results-driven partnerships. We know that our success only comes when you find success, and as such focus on proven, data-driven marketing strategies. Also, our ecommerce marketing agency is a Google premier partner and a Meta partner, an honor only a handful of agencies are awarded.

What are the best ecommerce marketing channels?

The best marketing channels can vary based on your brand and your business’ goals. Common top-tier choices include Google and Bing, Amazon, Facebook and Instagram, YouTube, as well as content marketing.

How much money should I spend per month on ecommerce marketing?

This depends on your business’ size and goals. For instance, if you’re just starting your ecommerce business, you can probably get away with spending a couple of thousand dollars a month on ecommerce marketing – but the bigger you get and the more you need to grow, that number can grow considerably! SevenAtoms offers personalized budget recommendations as part of our free consultation and review process.

At the end of the day, while you never want to exceed what you can afford, the important thing in an ecommerce marketing budget is to have a positive ROI – to use your money to make more money.

What are some of the best marketing strategies for ecommerce?

Some of the best marketing strategies for ecommerce include PPC (pay-per-click) advertising on platforms like Google, Bing, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram etc, as well as SEO-driven content marketing, social media content marketing, email remarketing and influencer partnerships. Other factors, like personalized customer journeys (increasingly possible with AI-powered tools) and mobile optimization can further enhance your online sales potential.

How can you choose the right ecommerce marketing agency for your business?

To make sure you’re picking the right ecommerce marketing agency, start by defining your specific goals and budget. Research agencies that have expertise in the platforms you want to invest in. Check their client reviews and case studies, and assess their track record when it comes to delivering tangible results.

Ask about their approach, their team’s qualifications, and the range of ecommerce marketing services they offer. Ensure they align closely with your business values and prioritize long-term partnerships that facilitate real, meaningful growth. Finally, schedule a consultation and evaluate their communication ability, transparency, and how they can tailor a solution to your unique needs.

Does your ecommerce marketing agency include full funnel ecommerce marketing?

Yes, our ecommerce marketing agency offers full-funnel ecommerce marketing services that cover every stage of the customer journey from initial awareness to conversion and retention. To boost brand visibility and attract potential customers, we implement strategies like SEM, content marketing, social media advertising, SEO, and influencer partnerships. During the consideration stage, we engage prospects through targeted email marketing campaigns, informative blog posts, retargeting ads, and detailed product pages to nurture leads and build trust. To convert prospects into customers, we focus on optimizing the user experience with tactics like A/B testing, personalized recommendations, and seamless checkout processes, along with limited-time offers and discounts to encourage purchases. Post-purchase, we aim to turn customers into loyal advocates through exceptional customer service, loyalty programs, and personalized follow-up communications, while continuously gathering and analyzing customer feedback to improve our offerings. Using these strategies together, our full-funnel ecommerce marketing services provide a complete and effective way to boost and maintain your business growth, increase your ROI, and achieve lasting success.

Do you work with ecommerce startups that have low marketing budgets?

Yes, we collaborate with ecommerce startups with limited marketing budgets and offer tailored solutions to maximize their impact and growth.

My ecommerce site sells niche products. Can your ecommerce marketing agency help me grow?

Absolutely, our ecommerce marketing agency can help you grow, even with niche products. If you have a niche product, we can implement highly targeted marketing strategies tailored specifically to your unique audience. We can enhance your brand visibility and attract the right customers (ones who are genuinely interested in your products) by leveraging our expertise in content marketing, social media advertising, SEO, and influencer partnerships. Our priority is to develop strong customer connections through tailored email campaigns, captivating blog posts, and activities that foster community engagement. Our approach ensures that we not only drive traffic to your site but also convert visitors into loyal customers, putting your niche product on a strong growth trajectory.

How do I get started with your ecommerce marketing agency?

Getting started with SevenAtoms is easy—just reach out to schedule a free consultation. Our ecommerce marketing experts will evaluate your business and current marketing strategies. During this session, we’ll talk about your goals and create a tailored strategy. Our proposal will include expert recommendations and a pricing estimate. Upon your approval, we’ll finalize everything with a contract and begin the onboarding process immediately.

How much do your ecommerce marketing services cost?

We apply a fixed fee for the initial month. Subsequent to this period, a monthly fee is applied alongside a percentage of the advertising expenditure.

Unleash The Full Power Of Ecommerce Marketing Services