Tina Bahadur

Tina Bahadur is a Social Media Ads Expert at SevenAtoms where she has spent 7 plus years growing client accounts. You can find her on the weekends enjoying San Francisco bay area hikes with her family, checking out new restaurants and playing table tennis.

Tina Bahadur

PPC Agency Hacks for SaaS: How to Optimize Your AdWords Account

Many SaaS companies are hesitant to dip their toes in the AdWords pool because of the ultra-high bid prices for software keywords. In fact, because of the intense competition, popular keywords can be […]

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PPC Management Checklist: The Ultimate 13 Point Action Plan

Looking to spruce up your PPC management? As you’re probably aware, this isn’t the easiest accomplishment to make. But don’t despair! There are several tasks that you can start on today in order to […]

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8 SaaS Marketing Metrics Every SaaS Marketer Needs to Know

Most SaaS companies are familiar with tracking SaaS metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) for their business, but marketing KPIs are a different story. Establishing and tracking the right […]

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2017 SaaS Marketing Strategies: Expert Tips for Attracting, Closing, and Delighting Customers

SaaS companies face a challenge unlike many other businesses. Not only do they have to attract customers and close sales, but they have to make sure their customers stick with them for the long haul. […]

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26 Advanced SEO Tips That Actually Work

Ah, SEO—the magic acronym of the digital marketing world; the key to increasing rankings and driving traffic. But how much do we actually know about its more advanced practices? Maybe you’re […]

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LinkedIn Marketing Tips: How to Create a Stellar Showcase Page for Your Business

Business professionals and marketers across the globe understand just how effective LinkedIn is for content promotion and lead generation. But are you taking full advantage of your company’s LinkedIn […]

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