Top Ecommerce Trends 2017 [Infographic]

Top Ecommerce Trends 2017 [Infographic]

Table of Contents

Top Ecommerce Trends 2017 Online sales have hit the big time. $355 Billion in 2016 and projected to reach $400 Billion by 2017

1. Programmatic advertising

Programmatic advertising allows you to better appeal to users through personalized content. You’ll be able to show the right content at the right time for every lead.

2. Automated marketing

Automated marketing allows you to tailor your offers and landing pages based on a consumer’s history on your site and the types of products they showed an interest in. Automation can help you create customized email marketing campaigns, landing pages, promotions, recommended products and more.

3. Algorithms

Algorithms are what allow you to segment your customers by the different products they buy, the pages they visit, and more. Of course, you may want to check the results on occasion to make sure everything is working smoothly.

4. Contextual Shopping

When you optimize customer experience, you decrease the chances that customers will leave their carts behind. Help buyers follow through by clearly outlining the steps left in the checkout process. You may also get more repeat buyers by showing them a list of items they’ve bought before.

5. Mobile Commerce

Mobile shopping becomes more and more popular every year. In fact, Gartner reports that mobile engagement in the ecommerce space will rise another 50% before the end of 2017. By the end of 2017, mobile commerce revenue will account for 50% of all digital commerce revenue in the United States.

6. Payments Options

Providing a diverse set of payment options will help increase your chances of conversions. For example, integrating with payment platforms like PayPal will help you convert customers who don’t like to give out their credit card information. You can also boost sales by offering loyalty and rewards programs. Mobile payment methods will continue to rise in popularity, especially as more and more ecommerce stores adopt it. As mobile traffic for ecommerce stores rises above 50% more stores will adopt mobile payment methods

7. Mobile popups

While you might think pop ups would deter consumers, they’re actually quite effective. Now, you can even add them to mobile pages. Include a popup to invite people to subscribe to your emails or to offer them a discount. Just don’t go crazy and put them everywhere. You should never have more than one popup on a page.

8. Faster shipping methods

As shipping speeds continue to improve, more and more consumers are converting into online shoppers. You can even partner your store with companies like Amazon to provide consumers with free 2-day shipping. 

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Tina Bahadur

Tina Bahadur

Tina Bahadur is a Social Media Ads Expert at SevenAtoms where she has spent 7 plus years growing client accounts. You can find her on the weekends enjoying San Francisco bay area hikes with her family, checking out new restaurants and playing table tennis.

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