Creating Effective Newsletters and Business Blogs

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In today’s digital marketplace, blogs and newsletters are two of the most effective ways to reach potential clients using the power of the written word. But how can you make your blog stand out from the hundreds of blogs on the internet? And how can you be sure your audience will take the time to read your newsletter instead of deleting it when it shows up in their inboxes? A few simple tips can help.


No matter your industry, a strong business blog should accomplish three goals. First, each blog post should be readable from beginning to end. If potential clients stop reading halfway through, they are less likely to remember the experience and return to your website again. Second, the memory of the experience should be associated in some way with your website, your logo and your business. It isn’t always necessary or a good idea to use a blog as an advertising platform, but readers should still be able to find their way back to your site when they want to repeat the experience. Third, the feelings generated by the post should be positive, inspire readers to action, or both.


Like blogs, newsletters should be engaging from beginning to end and should inspire return visits. Ideally, you’d like your newsletter articles to generate positive feelings that remain in the minds and hearts of readers until the next edition appears in their inboxes. Newsletter articles should also involve clear goals. Make sure you understand the intent of each article as you move forward. Are you offering news about industry events? Are you providing objective advice? Or are you educating your readers on general topics? Know the answers before you begin writing.

Author Bio

Picture of Andy Beohar

Andy Beohar

Andy Beohar is VP of SevenAtoms, a Google and HubSpot certified agency in San Francisco. Andy develops and manages ROI-positive inbound and paid marketing campaigns for B2B & Tech companies. Connect with Andy on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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