Small Business Blogging: What You are Losing by Not Doing it

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One of the greatest things that small businesses neglect when they start out is developing a marketing strategy. With all the effort it takes just to get the business running, the details about promoting that business are often overlooked. It is also important to note that sometimes it isn’t so much a matter of neglect as it is not having the excess funds to commit to a marketing strategy. As a result those small businesses that don’t have any marketing often struggle to bring in new customers or don’t see the growth that they could be seeing.

Now blogs are a pretty hot topic when it comes to marketing and if you are a small business owner you may have contemplated having one. If you happen to be on the fence or have been putting off starting a blog, then you are essentially ignoring a number of leads. For those that need convincing, here is a list of things you are missing out on by not committing yourself to small business blogging.

  • Search Engine Ranking. Blogging increases your websites’ SEO, meaning that if you aren’t blogging then you aren’t reaching as large an audience as you could be.
  • Backlinks. Blogs help generate backlinks, which are another way that potential customers can find you.
  • Branding. Blogs help you to clarify your brand. This is especially important if your business is particularly unique and could be unclear to potential leads.
  • Educating Your Leads. Blogs provide the opportunity to give useful information that explains a product in depth, addresses possible concerns, or gives greater insight into your industry. This is the knowledge that can make or break a sale.

Considering how inexpensive it is to blog, not utilizing small business blogging is tantamount to leaving money on the table. Should you need help then visit our contact page to see how SevenAtoms can help you to develop your blog.

Author Bio

Andy Beohar

Andy Beohar

Andy Beohar is VP of SevenAtoms, a Google and HubSpot certified agency in San Francisco. Andy develops and manages ROI-positive inbound and paid marketing campaigns for B2B & Tech companies. Connect with Andy on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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